2025 Statewide Domestic Violence Annual Conference


The Florida Domestic Violence Collaborative (FLDVC) with the Florida Department of Children and Families is seeking proposals for workshops to be presented at the 2025 Statewide Domestic Violence Annual Conference: People. Purpose. Passion.

The event will take place in-person on May 7 (9:00 – 5:30 EST) and May 8 (9:00 – 5:30 EST).  The event will be held on the University of South Florida Saint Petersburg Campus.

The purpose of the annual conference is to deepen the skills and knowledge of those who support survivors, hold perpetrators accountable and work to end domestic violence. The conference will focus on three objectives to achieve this:

  • People.  Through advocacy and community education, individuals are the voice for survivors and services.   

  • Purpose. Empowerment-based advocacy and survivor-centered services are the pillars for prevention and intervention.

  • Passion. Personal and professional growth inspires others to improve individual and systems advocacy.  

FLDVC is seeking workshops that will engage advocates, community-based organizations, legal and court systems, child welfare, and other service providers that support survivors of domestic violence, hold perpetrators accountable and/or work to prevent domestic violence. Workshops will be approximately 90 minutes long. Priority will be given to workshops that fit one or more of the conference themes.

We welcome responses until 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Submissions received after this date will not be considered. You may expect a response to all submissions no later than Thursday, January 30, 2025.

After workshops are selected, FLDVC will reach out to all applicants. Funding is available to pay presenters. Selected presenters will be asked about their financial needs after acceptance of their application so that money does not influence the decision. However, FLDVC reserves the right to negotiate costs, and the presenter reserves the right to decline to present.

Additional access needs are available to presenters and attendees upon request. To request accommodations in completing the Request for Proposals contact FLDVConference@CASAPinellas.org.  Accepted applicants will be asked about their access needs upon acceptance.

Proposals are to include:

  • Workshop Title

  • Intended Audience(s)

    • For example: Advocates, Supervisors, Leadership, Child Welfare, Court Systems, Law Enforcement, Housing, or other community participants

  • Presenter(s) Information:

    • Name, Pronouns (if any), Title and Organization (if applicable)

    • Brief Bio

      • If selected this may be used in the conference program to describe workshops

  • Workshop Description

    • If selected this may be used in the conference program to describe workshops.

  • Which of the 3 themes does this presentation address?  More than one theme can be addressed by the same presentation.

  • Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Detailed Description of Presentation Method(s)

    • This may be done by providing a written description of the presentation style, sharing an outline, slides, or other supporting materials, or in another manner

  • Expertise – What experience do you have presenting training?  Tell us about your level of expertise in the subject area and ability to communicate with the audience.

  • What are the steps you take to make your materials accessible?

  • Prioritize culturally specific organizations. In what ways does your workshop support communities that may have been historically underserved, inadequately served, or unserved?

Workshops will be selected from proposals submitted in this process based on scoring according to the criteria below. Workshops will also be selected so that there is a diversity of information covered and audiences addressed.

  1. Alignment with conference objectives/goals

  2. Ability to speak to unmet needs

  3. Relevance to the field

  4. Engagement/Innovation

  5. ADA Compliance

To submit a proposal, you may do any one of the following:

For more information, please feel free to contact FLDVConference@CASAPinellas.org.

We look forward to hearing from you!